Monday, August 4, 2008

Help me be a better Mommy

I just want to say hello everyone.
I have never had a blog before and I have to warn you that im a terrible speller and always have been.
Today is Monday and I had an ok weekend.
My father and I took my daughter fishing in Phoenix- a lil town close to where I live.
So we caught some fish but K- my daughter was being hard headed and not listening like she always does and put herself in danger- she fell in the water 2 times.
Luckily we had picked a spot where the water by the shore is like 3 inches deep so she was just scared and wet.
I changed her clothes and told her to sit down. She kept jumping up and down and guess what? Fell in the water again.

I just get really frustrated with her because she never listens to me. Time out doesn't work, spankings don't work and yelling does not work. If i tell her to stop jumping around I want her to do it. I mean Im not a dictator or anything- but I tell her to do things for a reason- usually to keep her safe. When she doesn't listen it makes me fear for her safety and also worry about how she is going to do at school when she goes.

Ok so Im at work and supposed to be working so--I'll end this now.

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39, single mom, nerdynerd, social worker...