Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ok so lets talk about my job

So I'm a social worker. Its my first job working as a boss. I'm running a program for adults coming out of prison. This is something that I have wanted to do since I was 19 years old.
So why am I so bored at work?

So basically what I do all day is answer phone calls and write pamphlets, go to meetings and answer questions from my staff.

I have lots of meetings and I have to run some of them. I'm pretty shy so that's hard.

I'm a social worker and I have been doing it since I was 21 years old- so 10 years. I have always been the case manager, therapist, care coordinator, or whatever.

I have worked in psychiatric hospitals, jails, drug treatment facilities, counseling centers, and places like this. I'm so used to dealing with clients, visiting them in their houses, calling them, dealing directly with their problems.

but this program is my baby- I made it all up in my head really.

we help these guys get jobs, housing, education and whatever else they need.

I have stats in my head that you probably don't want to know


it costs 45,000 a year to keep someone locked up

about 4500 a year to give them services

65% of all released offenders re-offend and return to prison, most within the first 3 years

1 in 100 Americans are in prison right now

sadly- 1 in 9 Black men is in prison right now (wonder why I can't get a date!)

I hate prison- its a racist concept, especially when you think that the majority of inmates are poor young and Black.

It is very possible to buy yourself out of prison- its called getting a good lawyer (look a OJ)

Right now our prisons are so over crowded because of the messed up drug laws that most sex offenders get PROBATION. This means they don't even go to jail when they rape a kid- they just have to report weekly and have their picture put on a sex offender list like this one


Oh you bet your azz I check out these sex offenders and if I see one near my daughter- mama bear will go on the attack.

Anyway my job is cool, some of the guys have jobs already- that we helped them get.

Job is the crucial link to help someone stay away from a criminal lifestyle. USA runs on the mean green and if you ain't working for a living- you better believe the money will come from something. Have you been in a grocery store lately?

So that's my job.

I'll tell you more about me later- the USA women's gymnastic team is about to come on.

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39, single mom, nerdynerd, social worker...