Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ok I had surgery

I had to have surgery. It was Leep surgery on my cervix and it was cool the first day. I was upset because I had to have a ride from the surgery and I had to tell my grandmother so she could give me a ride. I hate telling her things because then she goes and blabs to the whole family. SO of course she did. She told my father and my aunt.

You may be wondering- well why don't you want these people in your family to support you when you are having surgery?

Let me just say that my father is not a problem- I love him and I appreciate his support. He is a good Dad and I did not mind so much that she told him. I just wish I could have told him my own business- its a boundary issue.

Now my Aunt on the other had- she is a blabbermouth and I really don't want her in my business. I don't want her support and I don't really like her too much.

Why don't I like her? Well she is one of those ladies who thinks her shit don't stink- if you get what I mean. She is right about everything and YOU- oh You need to sit down- shut the f*&^ up and take notes.

She talks mad junk: here is an example----

I'm a single Mom and my child's father hates me and my child (or at least he does a good impression of that).

So when my baby K was born, I asked my grama and my dad to be in the room. My grama brings the Aunt. I did not want her there. (Why didn't I ask her to leave? Well- that's why I'm in therapy- OK)

So anyway she is there. I'm in labor pushing a human being out of my cooch. She says "Look at your feet! You need a pedicure! How come you have not been getting pedicures"

I was so shocked- first of all I had not seen my feet in months! Pedicures cost like 45 bucks (did you read the single mom part).

I used to do my own feet and they were cool- but when i lost sight of them, I kinda forgot about them.

Second- I'm in labor. LABOR!!!!!!!!! Who gives a fuck if my heels are dry! I mean come on.

THEN here is the part that drove me bonkers and made me really strongly dislike that lady.

So I push out baby K. They lay her on my chest. I look at her she looks at me- I fall in love but she's a bit bloody and grimy. I think yick but give her a kiss anyway.

So they clean her off, suck all the goop out of her nose and stuff wrap her up pretty and go to give her back to ME- the one who just spend hours pushing her out. So my Grama and the aunt grab her away- like thieves in the night.

I say- with an amazed look on my face I'm sure- Can I please have my daughter! They say- perfectly synchronized like those Olympic divers "NO".

WTF! The nurse had to take her away from them and give her to me.

So the point was- why don't you like your aunt. Why didn't you want her to know about your surgery? Well there you go- 2 perfect reasons why. There are more but hey- we have just met and all, can't be telling you all the good stuff right away!

Anyway- was I talking about my surgery- so it hurts. Look up a LEEP surgery if you don't know what it is. Its bad and painful and I had cramps. Then I started to feel better, the next day I got my period. SO yeah I'm not in the best mood.

I need a drink, but its only 3PM.

I need to sleep cause I was up all night watching the Olympics.

I think I will take a nap under my desk! (Yawn)

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39, single mom, nerdynerd, social worker...